The Generative Impact Framework
While each of the elements incorporated into this model are dynamic in and of themselves, it is the interaction between the elements and the two triangles that is both exponential and essential in the work. This combination of currencies and each element exerts a powerful impact on our mindsets, our behavior, our choices, our culture, our work, and the systems and communities we exist and engage in.
How we relate to each element of the triangle and how the interaction between the elements take shape become the dynamics of a leader’s experience and of the system and culture they are creating, leading, and operating within. This lens is hugely informative and orienting and creates a strong foundation for diagnostics on goals, vision, mission and success across the long term developmental arc and life of any change/impact initiative.

We apply the framework to the following:
- Leadership Consulting & Coaching
- Board Chair/ Board Member Coaching & Role Education
- Governance/Culture
- Ownership/Stewardship Alignment
- Family Dynamics/Board Dynamics
- Family Education
- Next Generation Education & Leadership Development
- Communication & Conflict Resolution
- Policy & Mission Development
- Succession & Continuity
- Strategy/Tactical Planning + Implementation Guidance & Support
- Retreat Design/Facilitation
Family and Organizational System Coaching, Consulting and Advising
- 1:1, small group, couples, nuclear family, generational and cross-generational work.
This work is typically a customized engagement and often includes strategic and tactical deliberation/planning work + retreat/meeting design and facilitation.
Leadership/Executive Coaching
1:1 work, small group/senior team, and large group/team with:
- Individual Leaders: Executives, Family Leaders, Board chairs,
- Organizational: Co-Founders, Private Foundations, Family Offices, Start Ups, Social Ventures, Social Entrepreneurs and Mission Driven non profits